Wednesday, March 23, 2011

According To Kate: Spring Has Made Her Appearance

Oh Spring. Come on in, and stay as long as you like.

You know those days... the days where you get up and there isn't a blizzard growling at you outside your bedroom window?
Or the days that just smell fresh?
Or the days when the sun is out, but it's still just a little cold... and for some reason you want to compare it to a glass of water with lemon in it?
(ya know.. maybe it's just me who wants to make that comparison)
Or those days where you get in your car and it's slightly like an oven?
Those days, are some of my favorite days in the whole world.
Living in Utah you never say that the warm weather is here to stay until July because lets face it, there is always a chance for snow.
In fact, two days ago Cedar turned into a winter wonderland ...
minus the wonder.
It's safe to say that we all think that Mother Nature needs to take some Midol and decide how she is feeling, but the ups and downs make life interesting.. and unpredictable... and it surely makes the amazing weather all the sweeter.

Even if this doesn't last I've had a slight taste of what I live for,
I'm just happy for today.

Miss Beasley